communist program
Organ of the International Communist Party
From issue 8 (February 2022) onwards
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Presentation of the review «Communist Program» - Présentation de la revue «Communist program» - Presentazione della rivista «Communist Program» - Presentación de la revista Communist Program
The summaries of issues 1 (1975) to 7 (1981) are available in the archives section: Back to Archives
Communist Program No. 9 (May
About the Russian-Ukrainian War. Against the War, on Both Sides, while the War Goes On
I. General Questions
II. International Questions
III. Italian Questions
Communist Program No. 8 (February
In Defense of the Continuity of the Communist Program: Theses on the Tactics of the Communist Party of Italy (Rome theses 1922)
The Party and the Trade Union Question («programme communiste», n° 53-54, 1971-1972)
International Communist party