communist program

Organ of the International Communist Party

From issue 8 (February 2022) onwards

Price per copy: Europe: 3 €; 2 £; 8 FS; 25 Krs / USA and Cdn: US $ 3 / Latin America: US $ 1.5


Presentation of the review «Communist Program» - Présentation de la revue «Communist program» - Presentazione della rivista «Communist Program» - Presentación de la revista Communist Program

The summaries of issues 1 (1975) to 7 (1981) are available in the archives section: Back to Archives



Communist Program No. 10  (September 2024) -

  • Ukraine. A War that Continues to Pave the Way for Future Wars in Europe and the World

  • From the Spiral of Incessant Massacres that Have Accompanied the History of the Middle East for the Last Hundred Years, the Way Out is not by Nationalism, but by the Struggle for Proletarian and Communist Revolution

  • Some Reference Points on the “Palestinian Question”

  • Theses on the Historical Task, Action and Structure of the World Communist Party, Based on Positions that Have Been the Historical Patrimony of the Communist Left for over Half a Century. (Theses of Naples, 1965) - Supplementary Theses on the Historical Task, Action and Structure of the World Communist Party. (Milan 1966)

  • Who We Are and What We Want:

    •  On the Track of the Great Marxist Tradition

    • For the Restoration of the Revolutionary Marxist Theory

    • Reconstitution of the Communist Party on a Worldwide Scale


Communist Program No. 9  (May 2023) -


Communist Program No. 8  (February 2022) -



International Communist party


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